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This was our last day getting to be with Josh's sisters before they made their way to St. George for New Years, so we decided to stay close and spend the day with them. Our first stop of the day was the Irvine Spectrum Center. This was a outdoor mall that consisted of a awesome variety of stores, a Ferris wheel, carousal, and even an ice rink! We started with the Ferris wheel, Piper had been begging to go on one since she saw the High Roller in Vegas, so this was the perfect compromise for a three year old!

Josh's sister Kara attempted to teach Piper how to hold up two fingers to do the "peace" sign in a picture, which Piper thought was the same as holding up three fingers since she is three after all. This became the new peace sign for a week! We then did some shopping! Josh even found a new favorite store called Active Ride Shop, which says a lot because Josh is usually let down by the stores they have in malls. The I.S.C was a blast! It had such a good atmosphere about it, with so many great places to shop, and an equal amount of fun things for the children.

After shopping for a little while, we then went and let the kids ride the carousal to help keep the peace. Piper had been keeping her eye on it and was determined to ride one of the unicorns. Lucky for her we were first in line so that was exactly what she got, with a bear right beside her for our little Hudson Bear. 

After the mall we went back home and ate lunch, dressed into some warm clothes that we really didn't mind getting wet, and headed out to the beach to catch the last bit of sunlight and finally see a California sunset! We went to the closest beach to us which was the Dana Point beach, it was freezing but so worth it. I could have relived watching the sunset and the waves every night for the rest of my life and died a happy girl. It was beautiful. There were several real conversations on this trip where Josh and I would talk about what we would have to do to move out here. Which always led back to my deep love for the mountains and everything we would also have to give up, but right at this moment I was torn! 

Hudson was excited and set out straight to the water this time around. I was able to talk Piper into coming to the water if we agreed to look for seashells for yet another sand castle and she spent the other half of her time jumping onto whoever was closest to her when the water made its way up to us. After we a had a sufficient supply of rocks and seashells Piper went off to make a sand castle with Grandma, and Hudson went exploring on Grandpa's shoulders. Which left Kassie, Josh, and I (Kara had to go to work) some time to explore and enjoy the beautiful surroundings!

Steve and Hudson came and got us after a little while and took us to see some tide pools they had found over by the rocks. We found so many little sea urchins and many more seashells to take back to Piper who was still going strong with her sand castle building. 

We called it a night once the sun was almost gone and started our walk back to the car. Once we had rinsed off our feet and shoes and made it to the top of the hill, we all looked back at the beach and the last little bit of the sunset. It was magnificent! Pictures didn't even give it an ounce of justice so we didn't even try, just soaking it all in was enough. This was one of those moments where we were so enthralled by the beauty, that we hardly noticed how cold the beach is on December 31! By the time we reached our cars, we were all beyond freezing and were grateful to be headed home. When we got home Steve made the yummiest chicken Alfredo and we shared our dinner with the local missionaries who shared the sweetest little message about forgiving yourself and allowing yourself to start the new year without the pain and baggage we had collected the year before. Another perfect end to a beautiful vacation day!
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