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I'm going to have to play a little bit of catch up, for this blog to start the new year with me. So lets rewind to a few weeks ago.

 Josh and I were lucky enough to bring in the new year on vacation. I can't think of a better way that 2016 could have started off than a week away from our normal every day "to do" lists. We left the day after Christmas which was a little bit like "give your kids their new favorite toys, and then take them away", but it all worked it's self out wonderfully.
The morning of our journey to California was going to be about a 9 hour drive, so we decided to make it to St. George the first day to cut the trip in half, also so we could spend the night with Josh's sweet grandma and grandpa. The first part of the morning started with a stop in Fillmore to attend a funeral, and then we headed straight to grandma and grandpa's house. Grandma of course had the best dinner waiting for us, which was beyond delicious, as always. We then spent the rest of the night relaxing, watching Piper show off, and little Hudson running to the grandfather clock every time he heard a noise.

Sunday morning we got up early, ate breakfast, and was on the road. Our next stop... Las Vegas! We stopped in Las Vegas for two reasons. First off to visit Josh's other pair of grandparents and second because I have been dying to get a cupcake from a Sprinkles cupcake ATM! The one in Las Vegas is the closest one to us, so I made everyone promise that I would make it there!

If you can't tell by our faces, we definitely made it + I didn't even cry! (I tend to do this when I'm overly happy, which in return tends to embarrass my husband.) Sprinkles was seriously just as cute and sweet as it looks.

I wasn't the only fan though! Don't get me wrong, Josh and Piper know how to enjoy a good cupcake, but my sweet little Hudson takes food enjoyment to a whole new level! Following finishing his cupcake and any crumbs that were left, he then enjoyed chasing the pigeons away (who were clearly disappointed that Hudson left no such sign of a leftover crumb!) For him, this was a "binkie down" moment and everything! To sum up the whole experience, Cupcake Heaven!

From Las Vegas, we continued our drive straight to California. First impressions were that the traffic was so ridiculously bad, that a four hour trip turned into a seven hour trip, all thanks to a few hours where we didn't go above 10 miles per hour. Luckily for us though, the kids were awesome. This was the only traffic we had our whole trip + we made it! 
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