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Our third day of vacation was actually our first official day in California. We enjoyed taking the morning slow, we had a delicious breakfast and enjoyed visiting with Josh's mom, step-dad, and his two sisters. After a few hours of lounging, we decided that we had to start our trip out right, with a trip to the beach! Josh's family lives in Aliso Viejo, which is only about a 10 minute drive from Laguna beach, so we picked that as our first official destination. Piper was in awe! She had been talking about the "big water" for weeks, and it was just priceless to watch her take in just how big the water was!

I'm not sure if we were just clueless or lazy, but from where we parked it led to this cute little overlook but there weren't any actual stairs or a path that led to the beach! So we all jumped/climbed down. The weather that day was overcast and cold, but we weren't complaining. Anything is better then the snow boots and winter coats we have been rocking at home. In fact it almost made it better because no one was there! We pretty much had the whole place to ourselves, with some wonderful lighting, and the clouds made it a whole different kind of beautiful!

Piper got right to work doing what she does best, convincing everyone that what she wants to do is really the best option for everyone! :) Really though, Piper has been planning on making sand castles at the beach for months! (Well since August when Josh's mom moved to California. We would take trips to a local park by us so she could practice for the real deal.) Then you know what we went ahead and did?!.... we forgot to bring her a bucket and shovel! That fact didn't even phase her though! Who needs a shovel and bucket when you are born with two hands? Her little castles turned out darling. She would walk up and down the shoreline and find tiny seashells and rocks to decorate with! 

Hudson wasn't sure what he thought of the beach. He isn't the biggest fan of being dirty and the loud sounds of the waves terrified him! He was happiest up by the bushes playing with sticks, and yelling every time he saw a bird or a plane!

Steve or "Chocolate Grandpa" as Piper calls him, dug her a little home out of a sand hill. Piper instantly decorated the place and moved on in! She spent the majority of our time at this beach in that hole! 

Eventually, Hudson started to get a little curious about the water and started to work his way down towards it. 

Auntie Kassie, took pity on our curious explorer and taught him how to run from the waves! He was in love! An endless game of back and forth, a little man's dream! 

After a few hours of playing, we decided to go walk the shops along Highway 1. They were all just so uniquely cute! We started to get hungry and saw a sign for "worlds best cookies" and for $.50, no one could say no. They were delicious! In fact we ended up buying all the cookies the cute little lady had prepared that day. The cookies helped hold off our hunger for a little while, as we tried to agree on a place to eat, we threw so many coins into a fountain with some really cute dolphin sculptures, Piper and Hudson instantly fell in love with them. 

Once we decided that we were too hungry to care and really didn't want to wait in a restaurant with two starving little's, we decided on Blaze Pizzeria and a movie at home :). It was a beautiful and delicious first day spent with loved ones!
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