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St. Patrick's Day

Since Easter literally starts in just a few minutes I thought I better play a little catch up and at least post our St. Patrick's Day! (I'm realizing I'm pretty bad at this consistent blogging thing!) We had an awesome St. Patrick's Day this year! We got lucky and got to celebrate the holiday with doing little things all week long, starting with going to a St. Patrick's Day party with friends. That party really fueled Piper's excitement for the holiday this year. She even remembered going on a hunt for a leprechaun at the end of the rainbow that we had done last year with her Joy School friends, and kept asking if that was going to happen again this year. Three year old Piper is so fun! I love that she is remembering things and that she is starting to get so excited for special days!

Piper had her outfit picked out for St. Patrick's Day a week early! I didn't realize it until she pointed it out to me but she has no green shirts! Poor girl! She adapted easily though because she picked out her gold dot shirt and a rainbow necklace to wear "so she would attract Leprechauns!" We even attempted a 4 leaf clover in her hair for preschool! Don't look to closely though because I had no idea what I was doing and we ended up taking it out after school followed by asking one of our dance friends for advice on how to make it better for next year. 

While Piper was at Preschool, I went to work laying out our rainbow. I'm pretty sure I will do this with my kids every year until it stops working because it literally takes 10 minutes to set up which is a dream. Piper was thrilled when we came out of the garage! She started yelling "shes' here, shes' here!" followed by covering her mouth because she needed to be sneaky to catch her! (Our Leprechaun is a girl apparently... named Glitter!) 

Piper was hilarious to watch! I kept waiting for her to just cheat and run around to the ends of all the steamers, but she didn't! She literally "snuck" every single color! She even kept hearing noises stopping to listen! I was dying! At the end of each color she would find a couple gold coins or a lucky clover, which kept her motivated. Blue being her favorite color was saved for last and had her Leprechaun gift at the end! I could have listened to her saying, "Oh man! Glitter is so sneaky, she got away again" forever!

Hudson was not impressed that the Leprechaun left him glitter stickers and immediately dropped them to the ground, but he held true to his little Hudson self and was soooo excited for candy!

Piper was on this Leprechaun kick for awhile, the next day when I had to go to work Piper insisted that she needed to make a Leprechaun trap with grandma! She asked for a box, paper, ribbon, and grabbed a few other things out of my craft room including stealing some rainbows! My favorite part about it was that I know Leprechaun traps and shoe boxes are a thing... but this girl came up with it ALL by herself, with her own layout for exactly how she wanted it. She is my little right brained child and I love it! Glitter however, out smarted Piper since her box turned up empty, but that didn't get our little Leprechaun hunter down because she informed us that next year she is going to use a net! 

Until next year you sneaky little Leprechaun!
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