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We woke up with heavy hearts as we had to pack to start the drive back home. I know lots of people get excited to finally be back home, we are not those people. Vacations Forever! After the car was all loaded and ready to go, we ran to the mall to see one of the Ecco accounts that Josh's mom manages. I'm not going to lie, I had never heard of Ecco's before she got this job, but they sure felt amazing on our feet! Josh and I both left with a new pair of shoes. We had already said our goodbyes from home, but did another quick round of goodbyes as we went our separate ways from the mall parking lot. As we were leaving I mentioned to Josh that I had really wanted to go walk around the Newport Temple, so he drove us there instead of starting our way home just yet.

It was beautiful! Of course, all the temples are, but this one was just so different from the other temples in Utah that it made it so uniquely stunning! I was amazed at how tiny it was! All the ones we have at home felt so big compared to this little guy, but it still took our breath away. The kids loved the fountains, and that the nativity scene was still set up. Josh and I loved its beautiful architecture that resembled the early Spanish Missions.   

This is how our family selfies turn out 99% of the time. I am always ready, Piper is hiding from the camera in some way or form, and Josh and Hudson are always playing some kind of games. It just makes me laugh at how many of these I have, but it is just so us. 

Goodbye, Newport Temple! I will definitely be seeing you again!

From here we really started our way home. We took the toll roads to avoid some pretty heavy traffic and then had a wonderful drive to St. George which consisted of feeling bad for everyone who was driving into California, the post holiday traffic was terrible! We got to St. George late since we had taken our morning/afternoon so slowly, and went straight to bed. We spent the morning with Josh's grandma, and as she headed off to church we re-packed the car to go home. Josh's sisters were in St. George for New Years so we grabbed lunch with them before we left. 

From St. George on was pretty easy and relaxing, The kids slept nearly the entire drive, which is always such a life saver. The weather was beautiful until we hit Ceder City, at that point until we arrived how was snowy and dreary. Josh and I kept ourselves occupied by recounting and rating our favorite things we had done over the vacation. When we finally arrived home, it was around 6 o'clock so we quickly unpacked, gave the kiddies in the bath and got everyone ready for bed. The first hour of being home was such a bitter sweet moment. We were all so excited to sleep in our own beds, but we missed the beauty of California and all of our family we had just spent 9 days with! Josh and I made a late but heart felt New Year's resolution.......MORE VACATIONS! 
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