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It takes some hard convincing to make my husband skip school or work or all of the above, but we succeeded a few nights ago, and decided to take a family night to Midway to go visit some Ice Castles! None of us had been before, but Piper's excitement to go see where "Elsa lives" could have made anyone excited. (They actually do have a live "Elsa" and "Anna" their on the weekends)

The process used + the amount of work and time they put in to building these castles was truly jaw dropping amazing! It was complete with towers, archways, mazes, tunnels, and even slides for the children. Then on top of all of that, they have multi colored lights frozen inside the ice, so when it got dark the entire castle turned into a beautiful palace pinks, yellows and blues!. It definitely exceeded our expectations. 

A good friend recommended having the kids wear snow pants instead of just warm clothes if we planned on going down the slides. I was happy we did, because the slides were the kids favorite part and nobody left with a wet bum! Second to the slides, my children loved grossing me out by eating the snow! I can't even count how many times I told Piper to stop licking snow off her gloves because of how many people had walked on it, or how many times I caught Hudson licking the castle structures. I just knew we would be that family who had their child's tongue get stuck to a castle! Josh must have thought I was ridiculous, because when I turned around he had broken off an icicle and given it to Hudson! I almost got mad at him until I saw the cutest little Hudson smile! He was so happy! So I calmed down for 30 seconds and let him enjoy his moment. 

After sometime walking through all the tunnels and making sure we had looked at everything, we decided to get one last picture on the ice thrown (which I actually didn't get a picture of, because the seat was so slippery that the kids kept sliding off!) and then we headed home. I'm even happy to announce that my children left with 100% of their tongues and haven't died from some dirty snow disease! The kids slept the whole way home and Josh and I enjoyed the beauty of the snow covered canyon. There really is just something special when you have a reason to enjoy the snow and ice instead of dreading it. We will definitely be going again.
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