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February felt like a really bummer month. We were all sick for what felt like everyday of the month. Even Josh got sick, which doesn't happen very often! I found my self wishing the month away, especially because we are all so over these cold, play indoor months! It was nice however, sitting down to do this blog post and being genuinely surprised of how many little moments of complete joy we had this month. There were more moments than I could remember, which made it hard to limit my amount of photos down to a top 9!

  1. Hudson and his puppies! This kid can seriously let out the cutest "meow" in the world, but his love for puppies is turning into our new favorite obsession. He now carries two stuffed animal "pu pu's" along with him for the majority of the day.
  2. We missed 3 weeks in a row of gymnastic this month! 3! in order to feel like I hadn't completely wasted our money I grudgingly signed up for the make up Saturday class. This one class made up for our completely crappy last 3 Mondays! Piper got to be with her favorite substitute teacher, who really has encouraged Piper's new found love for gymnastics + we ran into the Spencer's! So, Piper got to do gymnastics with Lynlee and I got to watch my sweet Ellie do her gymnastics's class while Hudson had CeCe to play with! It made for a perfect class followed by a lunch/play date!
  3. The snow is MELTING!! We are so thrilled and are secretly hoping this doesn't mean we are just going to get dumped on again in a week or so! Hudson has discovered the drops of rain that drip off the side of the house and it keeps him amused for hours! 
  4. Like I said earlier, we were sick a lot this month but, no one gets more sick then our little Piper with her ear infections! She had an especially bad one that caused a pretty constant amount of infection coming out of the tubes in her ears! It was awful, and makes her super unconformable. However, the one beautiful thing that comes from her poor sick body is the amount of snuggles we receive from her that make being her mom 100 x over worth it!
  5. Hudson is still on a train kick! He got 3 new ones for Valentines Day and I've never seen a kid appreciate a gift more. I literally melt inside when I watch him line up these trains over and over again!
  6. Piper got her first Valentine from a BOY! They were homemade cookies which just added that extra touch of love! Jack's mom and I pretty much have their whole marriage planned out, but I think it struck a shock of terror for Josh!
  7. Hudson is rocking a new hair cut! Dang Stud!
  8. Piper received her first set of BFF necklaces from her sweet friend Sadee! These two our the perfect combo of just plain cute and ridiculously goofy together! Piper has worn her necklace every day since she got it and is just in love!
  9. We finally had a beautiful day on Saturday! Like extremely beautiful! We ate both breakfast and lunch outside, the kids played for HOURS! + we got started on some much needed yard work! I live for these days!
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