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According to Merriam Webster, Spring Fever is "a feeling of wanting to go outdoors and do things because spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer". Count that as a Ã¼ for all of us in my family! Spring some how has a way of playing with my heart as it gets warmer, we all get excited to spend a miraculous day or even a week outdoors and then the weather turns, and it gets cold again. My family and I are beyond ready for the permanence of warm weather, followed by the consistency of being able to get outdoors and enjoy some well needed sunshine and not freeze our fingers and toes off. With the local forecast telling us that we will once again be having some colder days, we decided to take a little drive to Tibble Fork Reservoir and have what Piper calls a "family adventure", but really it's just an short outing to mentally prepare us for a few more "playing indoor days".

There was still quite a bit of snow up the canyon, but with no winds and the sun shining it was perfect light jacket weather. I don't know why but it always amazes me how different both my kids are. Piper always leads the way! we call her our little "trail leader", and Hudson just slowly follows along, but Piper is terrified of everything that moves of makes a noise and Hudson just jumps right into what ever heads his way. So, of course when we reached the water Hudson loved to throw rocks and make splashes, and Piper decided rocks were for collecting, rather than throwing, but they did both agree that rocks were the highlight of our outing! 

We all left with with muddy shoes, wet clothes and in Piper's case, very full pockets. With a new found, and well overdue sense of peace and readiness, we headed home to start a new week. So, bring it on Mother Nature, we are ready for what ever weather you decided to bring our way this week!
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